BSc Sign Australian Gaming Creators as Ambassadors

BSc Sign Australian Gaming Creators as Ambassadors

BSc Sign Australian Gaming Creators as Ambassadors


BSc, an Australian owned manufacturer of health and wellness solutions and apparel has today announced it has signed gaming content creators Crayator and Bazza Gazza as Brand Ambassadors. BSc has appointed gaming marketing and gametech company Livewire, to create and lead a gaming marketing strategy that enables BSc to engage the next generation of consumers.

BSc Director Nathan Picklum said “BSc is excited to be one of the first Australian health companies creating a bespoke gaming strategy to talk to consumers through their passion for gaming. We know the Australian gaming audience and next generation of consumers are wrongly stereotyped, there are highly social and health-conscious gamers”.

Crayator and Bazza Gazza are both representations of a generation that balances gaming as a job/hobby, while keeping active in their spare time, making them perfect Ambassadors for BSc.

Between Crayator and Bazza Gazza, they have over 4.5 million followers across their combined social platforms, creating the opportunity for BSc to engage with gamers through an omnichannel approach, following the fitness journey of both creators.

“As a company, we are focused on building communities and talking to Australians through a range of channels that they engage with authentically and regularly” BSc Commercial Manager, Joel Dening explained. “We look forward to talking to the gaming audience in a range of ways while supporting the fitness goals of Crayator and Bazza Gazza”.

Livewire Co-Founder and CEO Brad Manuel welcomes the focus on gaming from BSc, stating “brands like BSc who engage with Livewire want to talk to the gaming audience in more authentic ways by leveraging the entire gaming marketing ecosystem. The focus on building an authentic brand through a generation of gamers who are digital natives requires research, strategy, and gaming marketing expertise to plan and execute, we look forward to working with BSc to continually evolve their gaming strategy.

For more comment or information please contact the below for comment.


Nathan Picklum – Director at

Joel Dening – Commercial Manager at


Brad Manuel – Co-Founder and CEO at


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