Could a daily dose of Zinc give you that extra spring in your step you’ve been looking for? (And healthy hair and skin!)

Could a daily dose of Zinc give you that extra spring in your step you’ve been looking for? (And healthy hair and skin!)

Nicolette Casarotto | Practicing Nutritionist (BScNut), and advocate for a balanced and holistic healthy lifestyle.


Both vitamins and minerals play an essential role in our overall health impacting how our body functions. Vitamins and minerals are found from the food we eat however we can still lack in some depending on our diet and our bodies ability to absorb these. When we lack in a certain vitamin or mineral it is important to increase intake through food or look for a supplement option.

Minerals are essential, non-organic substances that cannot be produced by the body and are broken down into major minerals and trace minerals. Major minerals include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur and chloride and trace minerals include, ion, zinc, copper, manganese, done, selenium, chromium and molybdenum.

Vitamins are substances needed for our body to function day to day and are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B vitamins and Vitamin C).

An example of this is zinc. Zinc is an essential trace mineral important for our immune system, nervous system, digestion and also helps to promote healthy hair and skin. We get this from foods including meat, especially red meat, oysters, legumes, seeds and fortified cereal. If you are deficient here, I recommend the BSc Zinc, Magnesium, Vit B6, Bioperine® vitamin which not only has since but with magnesium for muscle function and recovery and bone health, and B6 for energy with the addition of BioPerine to enhance bodily absorption.

Always speak to a health care professional if you are wanting to take a supplement.

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