Worth The Hype: What Is Collagen and What Is It Good For?

Worth The Hype: What Is Collagen and What Is It Good For?

If you're an elite athlete or a regular gym-goer, you’re constantly challenging your body and testing its limits. You're improving your strength, cardiovascular health and mental wellbeing. The downside is that frequent, vigorous exercise increases the likelihood of injury and strain on your bones, muscles and joints. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to reduce injury risk or speed up recovery?

What Is Collagen?

You may be familiar with collagen, as it’s been the talk of the skincare industry over the past few years.

More than just a fountain of youth for our skin, collagen is also a holy grail for the health of our bones, joints and more.

Collagen is a type of protein found in tissue, skin, tendon, bone, and cartilage. It offers foundational support to tissues and plays a part in essential body processes like tissue repair and cell-to-cell communication.

While our bodies produce collagen naturally, we can also take collagen supplements and consume certain foods to boost our collagen levels.

What Is Collagen Made Of?

Collagen is a protein comprised of amino acids. The primary amino acids found in collagen are proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline. The triple helix structure of these amino acids gives collagen its unique strength and elasticity.

Skincare and supplement manufacturers derive collagen from the skin and bones of cattle, pigs, and fish. However, there are also vegan collagen supplements on the market that use plant-based collagen amino acids.

What Is Collagen Protein Powder Used For?

So, what is a collagen protein supplement good for? Why should you incorporate this supplement into your routine?

  1. May Help With Joint Pain

    As mentioned above, athletes and gym enthusiasts often suffer from wear and tear on their joints and muscles due to the stress of intense physical exercise.

    One of the biggest benefits of taking collagen is what it can do for your joint health.

    Collagen peptides are effective in alleviating pain and inflammation from wear and tear as well as joint injuries.

    Given that collagen is derived from the tendons and ligaments of animals, once ingested and absorbed, it can contribute to the formation of human tendons and ligaments.

    May Help With Joint Pain

  2. Can Improve Muscle Mass

    One of the main components of our muscles is collagen. So, when our collagen levels decrease, so does our muscle mass. When combined with exercise, a post-workout collagen supplement can promote muscle growth.

    We’re not telling you this is the secret to “getting shredded," but we can’t ignore collagen’s potential for supporting muscle growth.

    As we know, collagen is made up of several amino acids, including glycine. Glycine is essential for creatine production.

    Why is this important?

    Studies have shown that creatine can effectively boost muscle mass, enhance strength and improve athletic performance.

    Can Improve Muscle Mass

  3. May Prevent Injury and Speed Up Recovery

    Real talk: Nobody wants to deal with injuries. Not only are they painful, but they also disrupt your day-to-day life and get in the way of your workout schedule.

    The good news is that taking collagen could potentially help you minimise the risk of injury.

    But how does it do this?

    Collagen supplements can increase the diameter of the tendons in our joints.

    If you do suffer an injury, muscle recovery relies on restoring muscle fibres and forming scar tissue — both of which require collagen to help speed up recovery time.

    May Prevent Injury and Speed Up Recovery

Are There Different Types of Collagen?

The most common types of collagen you’ll find in supplements are type I, II and III collagen.

What’s Type I Collagen?

This is the most abundant type of collagen in the human body. If you want to preserve the collagen levels in your skin, nails or hair, this is the collagen you want to consume.

Like all types of collagen, type I collagen levels begin to diminish around age 25. This is why we may start to see sagging skin, weak nails, fine lines and thinning hair.

However, this isn’t just a beauty-related substance. It’s also a significant component of our tendons, organs and bones. That’s why it’s important to incorporate this protein into your diet and wellness routine, especially if you’re active.

What’s Type II Collagen?

This is another common type of collagen found in supplements. Though it’s less predominant in the body than type I, type II collagen is still vital.

Type II collagen is the main component of cartilage and is extremely beneficial for the skeletal system, especially for active individuals.

Active individuals who are putting more pressure on their joints may benefit from adding this type of collagen to their diet.

What’s Type III Collagen?

The third most common type of collagen, Type III, can typically be found in reticular fibres, such as in our bone marrow. It’s usually found alongside Type I collagen in the body.

How To Consume Collagen For Best Results

So, what’s the best way to take collagen? Truthfully, there’s no one ‘best’ way to consume your collagen supplement.

Similarly, there’s not enough research to suggest the best time to take collagen supplements. We recommend that you take your supplement whenever it suits you best. If you're a morning person, try blending it with your breakfast smoothie or coffee. If you prefer to get your snack on in the afternoon, add it to a yoghurt bowl.

The Best Collagen Supplements in Australia

We know we’re biased, but we’re quite proud of our collagen supplements, and for good reason!

We’re one of Australia’s leading suppliers of collagen supplements and are dedicated to quality and innovation in the supplement industry.

At BSc, we use science-backed bio-active collagen peptides including Verisol®, Fortigel® and Tendoforte®. These peptides are designed to improve your health by increasing mobility, strengthening your muscles, hydrating your skin, helping your hair grow and reducing joint pain.

Looking for collagen coffee, collagen protein water or a vegan collagen supplement? That's what we’re here for.

Explore our range of collagen peptide supplements to boost your health and wellness routine.

It’s important to note that you should always consult with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.

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