This New Product by BSc Is Proven to Increase Bench Press Performance by 7x More Than Regular Creatine... Say What?!?

This New Product by BSc Is Proven to Increase Bench Press Performance by 7x More Than Regular Creatine... Say What?!?

Tatiana Marinho - BSc Athlete

Practising Nutritionist | B.P.H. Nutrition | Master of Nutrition & Dietetics | Master of Public Health.

New Supplement Product for Performance

MYOCYTIN™ Creatine was created to improve Creatine supplementation and its benefits. The combination of Creatine, Taurine, Carbohydrates, Minerals and Glycine creates a powerful Creatine Transportation System that increases the uptake of Creatine by the muscles and enhances results. The formula was first created 18 years ago, and, due to public demand, BSc is bringing this incredible product back.

During all these years, scientific research has continuously supported creatine supplementation for physical performance and general wellbeing. Furthermore, research has consistently shown the enhancing benefits of combining creatine with carbohydrates and/or electrolytes (minerals). What sets MYOCYTIN™ apart from other Creatine supplements on the market is that MYOCYTIN™ has been tested and proved superior to pure Creatine through independent scientific research.

Patrick Tran. 2016 Amateur Men's Physique Mr Natural Olympia.

MYOCYTIN™ is versatile and can be used by bodybuilders, endurance/speed/power and functional training athletes either before, during or after exercise to:

  • ✓ Increase lean muscle mass
  • ✓ Increase power, strength, and speed
  • ✓ Improve recovery
  • ✓ Increase Glycogen uptake by the muscle
  • ✓ Improve cognitive function Improve physical performance
  • ✓ Assist the maintenance of healthy bones and muscles
  • ✓ Sustainable energy source
  • ✓ Improve hydration status


Creatine supplementation can increase muscle and lean mass, strength and power, improving performance and efficiency in sport. Creatine, in simple terms, recycles energy, giving your muscles a boost of energy, allowing you to train harder. This process also saves the muscle from being depleted to be used as energy (Catabolism). Creatine not only slows down Catabolism (muscle degradation) but also increases Anabolism (muscle construction), being responsible for protein synthesis (formation) in the muscle. Furthermore, Creatine has also been shown to provide antioxidant properties, again acting as an anti-catabolic, as the free radicals generated from exercise can affect muscle fatigue and protein turnover.


The Brain weighs about 2% of your overall body weight but can use up to 25% of total energy. We have supercomputers in our heads, and they require a lot of energy, just like our muscles do. So, the concept with Brain function and Creatine supplementation follows the same path. Creatine plays a vital role in brain energy homeostasis (balance) and Creatine supplementation is shown to increase energy availability in brain cells, and, therefore, improve memory, speed of processing and mental performance in general.


Dextrose is a simple sugar that is chemically identical to Glucose. Because dextrose is a simple sugar, the body can quickly use it for energy. The consumption of simple carbohydrates/sugars with Creatine has been shown to increase the uptake of creatine by the muscle and enhance physical performance. At the same time, creatine has also been shown to play an important role in the Glucose uptake by muscle cells. This mechanism is so efficient that many studies have used Creatine supplementation to increase Glucose uptake by the muscles and reduce Blood Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes patients. It has also been found that Creatine supplementation increases levels of Glycogen in the muscle. Glycogen is the form in which Glucose (sugar) is stored in your muscles and liver. This storage provides energy for your muscles when exercising, and, once the stock is over, muscles are degraded to be used as energy. Higher glycogen stocks will increase endurance and avoid muscle breakdown. Furthermore, after a meal high in glucose, your body will either use that for energy immediately or store it. The storage can be in form of Glycogen or as fatty acids in the fat tissue. As uptake by the muscles rises, less glucose will be transformed into fat to be stored.


Creatine supplementation can increase muscle and lean mass, strength and power, improving performance and efficiency in sport. Creatine, in simple terms, recycles energy, giving your muscles a boost of energy, allowing you to train harder. This process also saves the muscle from being depleted to be used as energy (Catabolism). Creatine not only slows down Catabolism (muscle degradation) but also increases Anabolism (muscle construction), being responsible for protein synthesis (formation) in the muscle. Furthermore, Creatine has also been shown to provide antioxidant properties, again acting as an anti-catabolic, as the free radicals generated from exercise can affect muscle fatigue and protein turnover.


Taurine also regulates Glucose metabolism and enhances muscle glucose uptake. Furthermore, Taurine has been well studied for its cell protection, protein synthesis (protein formation) and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, Taurine supplementation has been shown to reduce markers of muscle damage and oxidative stress, improve recovery and increase muscle strength and function. The result is a reduction in muscle catabolism (muscle break-down) and improved muscle anabolism (muscle construction). Taurine is also a natural stimulant and nootropic associated with improved cognitive function.


Glycine is a sweet-tasting amino acid and has been found to increase insulin response. Insulin is an anabolic hormone produced by the pancreas and is responsible for regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Insulin, in simple terms, will act as a transporter and promote the absorption of glucose from the blood into muscle cells. This Insulin response is important to enhance the absorption of glucose and creatine into muscle cells.


Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electrical charge and are essential for cell function. These minerals support hydration and improve energy production in the body. They are also essential when it comes to stimulating muscle contraction and neuro function. Most importantly, Creatine absorption and uptake is increased in the presence of electrolytes. Studies have found that creatine uptake can be decreased by over 50% when calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium were absent.

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