Training & Nutrition Do's & Don'ts

Training & Nutrition Do's & Don'ts

Author: Harriet Walker; Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Accredited Sports Dietitian. A leader in the sports nutrition space within Australia, specialising in strength sports.

Now is a great time to reflect on the months that were and start to build back up some of those healthy habits that might have slipped. But where do we start? We've pulled together 7 simple actions you can take so that you can get yourself feeling great again after the holidays.

Prepare some healthy options ahead of time to reduce incidental snacks

The holidays are over now so it's time to start crowding out the less healthy snacks with nutritious options that are in plain sight in the fridge and pantry. Having healthy options easily accessible improves the chance that you will choose them, while also pushing out the less desirable options that might have crept into your routine. The golden rule is to have at least 30g of protein in every meal. If you find this challenging, consider topping up your daily protein intake with a protein powder from the BSc Range that can be tailored to your needs. A BSc Protein Water or BSc High Protein Low Carb Bar is also a convenient on-the-go snack! And they really hit the spot.

Watch your energy intake

It's important to be mindful of your energy intake, especially when trying to bounce back from holiday indulgences. But don’t be too hard on yourself. Resist the temptation to go hardcore with extremely strict diets. History shows us that very low-calorie diets, and rigid eating plans aren't sustainable long term. Start with manageable steps; focus on reducing unhealthy snacks and alcohol first, and you will already be making a massive change to your diet. It's about creating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle that you enjoy, not a quick fix. Balance and gradual adjustments are key for lasting success.

Build your training volume back up

Rekindle your training routine the right way! Resist the urge to rush back into aggressive pre-holiday training if you have not been to the gym in a few months. It might only take a few good weeks of training to start feeling back on track but jumping back into 6 sessions a week might leave you open to injury and excessive fatigue which in turn may lead to more time off the gym. Go slow and steady building up your volume of training. Perhaps even work with a trainer to assess where you are physically and mentally and start with 2-3 days at first, then add in another day every few weeks until you are back to your usual routine.


Don't compare!

Once you do get back into the gym, remember to not torture yourself by comparing where your fitness levels used to be to where you are now. Coming back from time off can be mentally tough, not just physically tough. Take your time and enjoy the process of building back up. You might even come back better from having the rest. And the focus doesn’t have to just be on training - try to increase your incidental exercise too. For some, working from home has meant a drastic decrease in their daily step count. Incidental exercise can contribute to daily energy just as much, if not more than planned exercise. So, if you are not quite up for the gym, just start by aiming to hit between 7,000-10,000 steps each day. They say 10,000 steps is the magic number to help reduce certain health conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

Pay attending to your portions

If you are looking to cut back a bit, look at your portion sizes. You might be choosing healthy foods, but if your eyes are bigger than your stomach, you could be serving yourself up more than you need. An easy way to manage your plate set up better is by starting with one or two handfuls of veggies or salad - about half a plate. Then choose a high fibre carbohydrate, a source of protein, and a tablespoon or so of a healthy fat source. This is a simple starting place for recalibrating your serve sizes at lunch and dinner.

Simple and achievable changes are commonly the ones that get the best results, as they can be sustained over a longer period. These seven points may not seem like the most glamorous options; however, they will help you get back on track after time off and keep you moving forward long term. Shop our range of supplements now.

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