#214. 5 Day RESET: No Food, No Tech & No Distractions with Luke Mathers

#214. 5 Day RESET: No Food, No Tech & No Distractions with Luke Mathers

How would you handle 5 days without food, people, the internet, and distractions? While writing his new book "Curious Habits?" Body Science happiness ambassador and Stress Teflon Author, Luke Mathers did just that. Today he talks to Greg about what he learned from his 5-day RESET and unpacks what you could get out of doing something similar.

Luke Mathers

Luke Mathers is a conference speaker and the author of Stress Teflon. 28 years in business have taught him that stress isn’t going away any time soon. If you want better health, relationships, and success, you need to get good at stress.

As one of the original directors of Specsavers in Australia, Luke was part of the biggest retail roll-out in Australia’s history. 100 stores in 100 days. His practice was the biggest in the country and set global records that were previously unheard of.

Luke retired for the first time at age 31. After transforming his UK Specsavers practice (increasing turnover by 350% in just three years) Luke returned to Australia to relax and put his feet up. It wasn't long before he realised, he missed something... STRESS!

Helping people become Stress Teflon is his mission and, as the book says, “it’s good being you when stress doesn’t stick.”


Stress Teflon

It's great being you when stress doesn't stick

Coming soon - Curious Habits

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