How is the WHEY ULTRA formula unique? Athletes looking to increase lean mass require higher intakes of protein and total energy. Whey protein, a naturally derived protein source, is well established as an optimal protein for active people due to the high content of branched-chain amino acids, specifically leucine, and being rich in all 9 essential amino acids. Whey Ultra protein takes the tried and tested benefits of whey protein and combines innovative additional components designed to maximise your recovery and wellbeing.
BSc Whey Ultra contains four high quality and rapid-acting proteins to provide a blend that will elongate the recovery window post-training. With whey isolates, concentrates and both hydrolysed concentrates and isolates, the Whey Ultra blend delivers highly bioavailable amino acids to worked muscles.
Whey protein is one of the most well-researched supplements, consistently showing positive benefits for muscle recovery and growth.

Whey Ultra protein is rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which are critical in triggering the muscle synthesis response after training, with 6g per serve, which research shows is the effective dose post-training to amplify lean muscle mass development. Going beyond the competitors in the market, Whey Ultra provides 13g of essential amino acids per serve. Essential amino acids, which include BCAAs, are pivotal for building muscle. The blend used in Whey Ultra is the perfect way for athletes to boost their dietary protein and enhance muscular development.
Digestive and Recovery Support
Research shows consistently that gut health is the cornerstone of immune function, effective digestion and absorption of food. Whey Ultra’s symbiotic combination of prebiotic fibres and probiotic bacteria can support and modulate gut health and help keep immune and bowel function healthily in combination with a healthy diet.
Whey Ultra uses the patented Orafti™ fibre, a natural prebiotic derived from the fibre inulin, to assist in feeding bacteria in your gut. The inulin used in the Orafti™ probiotic blend has been clinically shown to improve bowel movements in people suffering IBS.
To complement the prebiotic fibres in Whey Ultra, the clinically-tested probiotic Lactospore has been included. The Whey Ultra Lactospore contains 1 billion (109 ) CFU of the heat-stable B. Coagulans strain, which research shows are an effective dose.
Digestive issues are a common complaint from many athletes, especially in times of high training volume and stress. Whey Ultra contains a digestive enzyme complex which may not only help aid the breakdown and absorption of macronutrients, but research has indicated it may have benefits in recovery from muscle soreness associated with training.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) occurs due to eccentric loading of the muscle, for example during the downward phase of a bicep curl, which causes microtears to the muscle fibre. DOMS is a common complaint of those new to the gym and can very easily become a reason not to go back. Traditionally DOMS resolves after 3 to 7 days, which can mean long downtime between sessions when trying to recover.
Researchers have investigated whether the use of proteolytic enzymes may be useful as a method for managing and reducing pain associated with strenuous exercise. It has been suggested that protease enzymes (enzymes that helps break down protein) prevent or impede the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and assist with speeding up the breakdown and build-up process of muscle remodelling post-exercise.

Free From Banned Substances + Naturally Sweetened and Flavoured
- It is critical for athletes is to ensure their supplements are free from banned substances. Each batch of Whey Ultra is tested by third-party supplement testing laboratory HASTA, providing assurance that there is no risk of inadvertent doping.
- Whey Ultra is low carbohydrate and uses natural sweeteners and flavours. This makes the product suitable for the health-conscious and enables the user to adapt their carbohydrate intake according to their own requirements.
- Whey Ultra is also gluten-free, making it suitable for people with intolerances to gluten.
When to Take BSc Whey Ultra
- Whey Ultra can be used throughout the day to assist in meeting daily protein requirements. Research shows that repeated instances of positive protein balance, from consuming regular boluses of high-quality protein sources optimises lean mass development. 1-2 serves of Whey Ultra per day is recommended.
- To optimise the use of this product, use after strenuous. Protein consumption post-training assists with reducing muscle damage, while triggering the muscle protein synthesis response.
Whey Ultra is a product that has been thoughtfully engineered in order to meet the needs of athletes in an ever-evolving competitive environment. It has taken the tried and true benefits of whey protein and combined the innovative additions of prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes to bring into the market a standalone product that can boost performance without compromising on athlete safety or integrity.
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