#177. How to make bad habits difficult and good habits easy with Luke Mathers

#177. How to make bad habits difficult and good habits easy with Luke Mathers

Author of Stress Teflon talks to us about how contrary to what you may think, stress isn’t actually a bad thing but it’s about using your stress to do good and optimise your performance and learning to bring your stress back down to a state of equilibrium again when you need to.

In today’s podcast Luke talks to us about friction in our environment, how to make bad habits difficult, and good habits easy. From your performance in a corporate environment to achieve the results you truly want from your summer shred challenge, Luke gives us some easy to apply tools that can benefit anyone.

You can find Luke’s book here https://lukemathers.com.au/

Get in touch with Luke at luke@stressteflon.com

Follow Luke on IG at @finding.carlos

Follow BSc on IG @bodyscience

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