Collagen Protein Water 350g - HASTA BATCH TESTED
- Gluten
- Added Sugars
- Artificial Flavours
Batch testing is common at BSc. Generally, this means that one flavour from one specific batch of product has been sent for Independent Third-Party testing. Not all flavours will be available, and this will change month to month. If the product has been identified by BSc as BATCH TESTED this means this specific batch/flavour ONLY has been shown not to contain WADA banned substances.
Once CERTIFIED, every batch must be tested. CERTIFICATION is common at BSc. Generally, this means that every batch of this product has been sent for Independent Third-Party testing. Look for the HASTA logo on the label. If the product has been identified by a HASTA logo this means every batch of the product has been shown not to contain WADA banned substances. HASTA Certification also requires significant additional commitment from BSc including:
- HASTA verification testing of multiple samples from different batches.
- HASTA assessment of independently audited manufacturing QA systems.